Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 13 BRCC Mission Trip

Missionaries of the Day:
Sarah Brown
This is Sarah’s first time in Brasil and she finds it really different from America but “it’s easy to catch on.” Her favorite part of the trip has been performing SHOUT at the Alcance. “It was cool to see people that I recognized and to see the people getting into the performance.” While in Brasil, Sarah has been learning about working for the Lord. “It doesn’t really matter what work you’re doing. You just have to remember that it’s all for Him, and if I’m working for God, I need to do my best.”

Logan Lane

This is Logan’s first trip to Brasil, and he is loving every aspect of the trip. He has been doing a lot of painting as well as helping out with the English camp and SHOUT. Logan has really been struck by how much God has changed him during this trip. “Before I cam on the trip, I was on the edge about following God 100%. I was worried about raising the money and I was worried that I wouldn’t get to go. But, God showed that He would provide and now I’m on fire. It’s awesome. I have changed a lot and I can’t wait to get home and share how this trip has changed my life.”

Jenna Brewer
This is Jenna’s first trip to Brasil and she found it surprising that there is so much English writing all over the place. Jenna has been performing in the musical SHOUT and she has really enjoyed this experience. “It’s cool that even though they can’t understand what we’re saying, they get the point of the musical. Their faces show that they understand what’s going on.” While here, Jenna has also enjoyed the devotional studies and the times of worship. “The worship is very cool. They aren’t just worship services because people actually think about what they are saying.”

Day 13 Activities

After breakfast, we worshiped with the church that is held here at the Alcance. Logan, Eli, and Paul each gave their testimony. As an act of dedicating their life to Christ, all three of them got baptized during the service!! The afternoon had soccer, volleyball, swimming, naps, and other relaxing activities. That evening, we went to the Community Church in Carpina and performed Shout! for last time. The group was sad it was the last time to perform it but was very excited that many people were touched. After packing up, we returned to the Alconce snd played cards and ate at the snack bar.

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